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Probablity of 3rd wordwar

I think in all people of this world will finish one day . All artificial and netueal thingswill distroy in that day when 3rd worldwar will start in this world. This isn't a mystic prediction thread, rather post your probability predictions based on current world events regarding the proximity of World War Three. I believe that a full scale global world war is on the brink, and that we are going to see a massive attack against the United States, Briton and NATO countries which will be full scale nuclear war from Russia and China in the near future. We see the alliances forming between China, Russia, Iran, Syria and Pakistan along with the NATO alliance. Russia is positioning itself strategically into the Caribbeans with Venezuela. This posturing is both political and strategical for a Russian first-strike against America. North Korea is starting to go back into their usual flip-flop with the nuclear reactors and seems to be distancing its cooperation with the United States, which means it also could help erupt war in the Korean Peninsula. With the current financial melt-down of the United States, tensions growing between Russia, it seems we are sparks away from the major global conflict that seems to be on the horizon. The epicenter of the conflict may well be an attack on US soil in either another false-flag terrorist attack, which starts the US / Iran war, which will ultimately lead to WWIII. This October may be the trigger month, with Al Queda releasing a tape claiming an October surprise, as well as the deployment of US troops back to the main land. I think we are within a very high probability of WWIII that could start as early as next month, or within the next year. Any thoughts or predictions of your own? So third wordwar will reasion of human end.Hence if it possible everybody please stay with peacefull environment.All human are same.
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