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All About the Solar System

The solar system is the home to the sun, nine planets including the Earth, the 158 known moons that orbit those planets, as well as a countless number of other celestial bodies that exist throughout this vast space. Such celestial bodies include things like asteroids, meteoroids and comets.
Though the events leading up to the formation of the solar system are still being debated, is it believed to be more than 4.6 billion years old! The word "solar" is derived from the Latin word for sun, Sol, leading to the term solar system, or the system of the sun. The planets that orbit the sun within the solar system include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the smallest planet of Pluto. Jupiter is by far the largest with an overall mass of more than three times that of the Earth. The sun itself makes up an estimated 99.86% of the solar system’s total mass. Gain further insight into the solar system by taking advantage of the solar system articles, solar system pictures or other interactive features below. Featured Solar System Articles .
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