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USA in my view

USA is populer country beacause of its great work.Nowadays USA handile other countries.
Sure this country has made mistakes. What country hasn't? But what other country tries so hard to do what's right, not just at home, but all around the world? What other country is counted on - as the standard for decency and tolerance and freedom? What other country attracts eager immigrants from all over the world?There is only one answer to all those questions and you don't haver to look any further than right here at home to appreciate how great this country really is.In the last five years, we have been through two bitterly contested elections, two foreign wars and a devastating terrorist attack here at home, but has any of that weakened the country as a whole? Heck no! As always, America and Americans have risen above adversity and banded together to make this country work and keep on working, no matter what obstacles may be thrown in our way.Was there rioting in the streets over the elections? Bloodshed and/or threats to call out the Army and the National Guard? Of course not. We take it for granted that we are a civilized country, above all that and we are. But not all countries - or even most countries can say the same. In many counjtries around the world, events far less traumatic and dramatic than what we have gone through in the last five years, would have torn society apart. The government would have fallen, if not dissolved and there would have been bloodshed and chaos, so we should never underestimate our freedom or stability or take it for granted.We should get up every day and remind ourselves that we do live in the greatest country in the world and that therefore each and every one of us has a duty and an obligation to do whatever we can to make it just a little bit better.You can start the process by sending us your contributions, poems, letters, essay, stories, telling how you feel about America and why you have goo d things to say about the USA. We're putting together a book called GOOD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THE USA and whether you're white, black, yellow, brown or anything in between, rich or poor, old or young, a sixth generation American, or a first generation immigrant - even if you're not an American at all, if you have Good Things To Say About The USA, then we want to hear from you.Sure, we need money, too, but mostly we need your artistic contributions. We need talented actors and actresses, singers, dancers, writers and musicians to put on shows reminding the world how great this country really is.I think USA is the most powerful country.
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