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How to be Engineer

Those person who want to be an engineer work hard in math frist.You should learn more about engineering . When you drive across a bridge, make a telephone call, fly in a plane or use a computer, you experience, first-hand, the work of engineers. The results of their work can also be seen in satellites orbiting Earth, on offshore oil rigs and in tall buildings rising from the heart of Canada’s metropolitan cities.Engineers prove, every day, that anything’s possible!The Nuts and BoltsBasically, engineers are problem-solvers. They put scientific knowledge to practical use, applying science and math to solve problems creatively. They are involved with the design, construction and operation of everything from bridges to computer chips to mountain bikes to roller coasters. In fact, without engineers, our modern way of life would not be very modern at all!Thinking about a career in engineering? How would you answer the following questions?
Are you good at math and science? Do you look forward to these classes in school?
Are you creative and imaginative? Do like to build new things, or improve the way things work?
Do you have good communication skills? Do people find you interesting to talk to?
Do you like working in teams? Are you a member of a school club, the band or a sports team? If you answer yes to some of these questions, you might have what it takes to be an engineer!
Step One: Math and Science in Grade School and High SchoolLearn how math and science can be used to solve real-world problems. Study hard! Stick with it!Step Two: Engineering Program in UniversityFor most would-be engineers in Canada, the first step is to be admitted into an accredited engineering program at a Canadian university. Accredited means that the program has been evaluated by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and found to meet the high standards set by the engineering profession. This process ensures that students who graduate from an accredited program have the technical, design and hands-on skills they need to begin a career in engineering.There are many different fields, or disciplines, of engineering to choose from, and even more accredited engineering programs. More than 30 Canadian universities offer accredited engineering programs. To find out more about these universities and programs, click here.
Step Three: Becoming a Professional EngineerEngineering, like medicine and law, is a self-regulated profession. This means the profession is responsible for overseeing the conduct of its members, and for establishing practice guidelines, professional standards and codes of ethics for them to follow.To do this, engineering regulatory associations have been established in each province and territory of Canada. The associations/ordre license engineers who meet the profession’s high standards, and govern the profession of engineering.Licensed engineers can use the designation "P. Eng." ("ing." in Quebec) after their names. P. Eng. stands for "professional engineer" (ing. = "ingĂ©nieur"). It’s engineering’s stamp of quality. No one can call themselves a professional engineer, use the P. Eng. designation, or carry out engineering work in Canada without a licence.Like doctors and lawyers, Canada’s 160,000 professional engineers are required to take responsibility for their work. They have a duty and ethical responsibility to protect public safety. It’s part of what makes being a professional and a P. Eng. so special.Once you have a degree from an accredited program, you’re on your way to becoming a professional engineer. Next steps?
Register with your provincial/territorial association/ordre of professional engineers.
Get three to four years of practical engineering experience (depending on your province/territory), under the supervision of a professional engineer.
Pass the professional practice exam (on ethics and law). You will then be granted the P.Eng., your license to practice engineering.For more information, visit the P.Eng. Web site, at
Areas of SpecializationEngineers have lots of options!There are nearly 20 areas of specialization, or disciplines, to choose from, and most offer a wide range of career options.Once you’ve chosen your specialty, there’s lots of room for crossover, and you will probably have a chance to work with engineers from many other specializations. You can understand why engineers need to be team players, when you think about how the many specialties of engineering join together to create a major project.So, regardless of your specialty, you’ll probably be involved in several kinds of engineering. You will also be at the forefront of innovation, because the Engineering you do will shape our vision of the future.So engineering is most required thing of today .You may be engineer and may get more prestises and money.
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