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history of automobiles

By definition an automobile or car is a wheeled vehicle that carries its own motor and transports passengers. The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide.
It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile. You can point to the many firsts that occurred along the way to producing the modern car; and with that goal in mind, highlighted below are articles, biographies, timelines, and photo galleries related to the history of the automobile and its many inventors.
History of CarsA multi-part feature on the history of automobiles starting with the first steam, electrical, and gasoline-engine cars. Learn the controversy behind what was the first car in history and the importance of the internal combustion engine. The lives of many famous automotive makers are explored in detail with special pages on the assembly line, the origins of the name automobile, the patent disputes, and more.
Early Steam Powered Cars
The History of Electric Vehicles
The First Gas Powered Cars
First Mass Production of Cars & The Assembly LineAfter reading this article try our fun automobile trivia quiz to test your knowledge.
Biographies - Famous Automobile MakersThe men and women behind the over 100,000 patents that created the modern automobile. Biographies include for example: Karl Benz, the German mechanical engineer who designed and in 1885 built the world's first practical automobile, and Henry Ford, who improved the assembly line for automobile manufacturing and invented a car transmission mechanism, and others.
Pictorial Timeline of AutomobilesTimeline and photo gallery of automobile history. Was the first car the 1769 self-propelled road vehicle invented by French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot?
History of American RoadsJust over a century ago, steamships, canals, railroads, and the telegraph were up and running. They were the technological marvels of the 19th century, setting the stage for the 20th century. Yet the invention that would spark a revolution in transportation was a simple two-wheeler - the bicycle. Its popularity in the 1880s and 1890s spurred interest in the nation's roads. However, it was the car that was destined to dominate the new roads.
Continue > History of Individual Automobile Accessories & Parts


Film is one of the means of intertentment.Film attract human's mind.Film is not only picture . It is best of people .today over then 80% people
fun with over then 5000 film makes every year.

civil aviation

Civil aviation means sky transport system.It is also morden system of transport.
Civil aviation is one of two major categories of flying, representing all non-military aviation, both private and commercial. Most of the countries in the world are members of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and work together to establish common standards and recommended practices for civil aviation through that agency.
Civil aviation includes two major categories:
Scheduled air transport, including all passenger and cargo flights operating on regularly-scheduled routes; and
General aviation (GA), including all other civil flights, private or commercial
Although scheduled air transport is the larger operation in terms of passenger numbers, GA is larger in the number of flights (and flight hours, in the U.S.
[1]) In the U.S., GA carries 166 million passengers each year,[2] more than any individual airline, though less than all the airlines combined.
Most countries also make a regulatory distinction based on whether aircraft are flown for hire:
Commercial aviation includes most or all flying done for hire, from sightseeing in a small plane to charter flights to a hunting lodge to scheduled service on airlines; and
Private aviation includes pilots flying for their own purposes (recreation, business meetings, etc.) without receiving any kind of remuneration.
All scheduled air transport is commercial, but general aviation can be either commercial or private. Normally, the pilot, aircraft, and operator must all be authorized to perform commercial operations through separate commercial licensing, registration, and operation certificates.So civil aviation is one of the important part of life today.


Radio is discovered sometime ago.
Radio is the best means of communication. Today radio
is availeble everywere.Radio gets good bajar too but we should use it carefully.That means it is not bom and can'tblast. But some bad people or criminal person can use it badly.So we should care that kind of activities.RADIO IS FRIEND OF US .

S.L.C. exam of Nepal.

School living certificate called S.L.C is board exam of Nepal.It is known as iron gate of student.Every year more then 30,00,00 student participate it.Actually it is gateway of higher education.But in case of Nepal it is only for name .Beacause the government of Nepal is loose.By the way S.L.C is compulsary for education system.

Mass communication

Human should contact with each other.Mass communication is fendamental needs of people.The Mass Communication Program at Sam Houston State University offers a unique educational experience. In daily, one-on-one contact with faculty from a variety of theoretical and practica backgrounds, students are exposed to a combination of hands-on production classes, professional development classes and traditional theory/criticism classes. Our graduates develop 1) general media literacy skills that are increasingly required in our media-saturated contemporary experience and 2) specific skill-sets especially applicable to the emerging technologically driven marketplace.
There are five MCM degree plans or Emphases: Broadcast Journalism, Video Production, Print Journalism, Public Relations and Media Sales and Management. Graduates can enter a variety of fields including but not limited to: video production, print or television news, broadcast and cable sales, media management, promotions/public relations and corporate media. In addition, students may supplement their degrees with educational requirements that allow them to become certified media-specialists in public school systems. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the MCM Department’s internship program.So mass communication is important for all.

Gautam Buddha

Gautam Buddha is also called as light of Asia.He borned at Lumbini at Nepal 2500 years ago .Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. His original name was Siddharth (meaning one who has accomplished). He was also called Sakyamuni, i.e. the sage of the tribe of Sakya. He was born in the year 563 B.C. in the village of Lumbini near Kapila Vastu, within the present borders of Nepal.
According to legend, an astrologer foretold his father, the king, that young Gautama would give up the throne and luxury and renounce the world the day he would see four things (i) an old man, (ii) a sick man, (iii) a diseased man and (iv) a dead man. Hence, the king confined Gautama in a special palace which was provided with all worldly pleasures. He was married at the age of sixteen to Yasoddhra.
At the age of 29 after the birth of his first son, Gautama on the same day saw an old man, a sick man, a diseased man and a dead man. The impact of the dark side of life made him renounce the world that same night and he left his wife and son and became a penniless wanderer.
He studied and practised Hindu discipline initially, and later, Jainism. For several years he observed rigorous fasting along with extreme self-mortification. On realising that tormenting his body did not bring him closer to true wisdom, he resumed eating normally and abandoned asceticism.
At the age of 35, one evening as he sat beneath a giant fig tree (Bodh tree), he felt that he had found the solution to his problem and felt that he had attained enlightenment. Thus, he came to be known as ?Gautama?, ?The Buddha?, or 'The Enlightened One'.
Later, he spent 45 years in preaching the truth that he felt he had discovered. He travelled from city to city bare-footed, clean-headed, with nothing more on his self than his saffron robe, walking stick and begging bowl. He died at the age of 80 in the year 483 BC.
Buddhism is divided into two sects viz. Hinayana and Mahayana.So Gautam Buddha was great personality.We should respect him

How to be a Doctor

Doctor is the most profeshnal occopision in the world.If we have dream about become a Doctor we should study more.Becoming a doctor or a surgeon is an honorable goal, but it is a long and challenging process, beginning with pursuing a bachelor's degree. It is important to note that medicine, and especially surgery, is not a career you can enter quickly. It takes a great deal of diligence and motivation to finish the training. Medicine is a career that requires many years of study before practicing independently.
The path to being a doctor typically takes a minimum of 12 years AFTER high school, specialties with extensive training periods can take five or more years. Non-surgical specialties can often be completed in less time. A family practice or internal medicine physician completes four years of medical school followed by 3 years of residency. The Road to Medical School Begins in High SchoolThe path to being a doctor typically starts in high school or early in your college career. Good grades are necessary and science classes are required for medical school. During high school biology, chemistry, math, physics and other college preparatory classes are ideal choices.
Medicine as a Second CareerDo not be concerned if you did not know in high school that you wanted to become a doctor, or even in college. There is a trend of medical students and residents being older than the traditional 23 year old first year medical student. Some medical students are starting a second or third career and have families and experience in another field.
Some admissions teams look very favorably on older and more mature candidates. Older candidates may have an advantage during the interviewing process for medical school, as they have had more opportunities to hone this skill. Preparing For Medical School During Your Bachelor's DegreeDuring the bachelor's degree portion of your education you will need to take a year of organic chemistry, general chemistry, biology and physics. Microbiology and biochemistry are also helpful. The higher your grades in these core required classes, the better, as they will be scrutinized closely by the admissions team at each medical school to which you apply. It is highly advisable that you work or volunteer in a healthcare setting, to show that you have a reasonable idea what a physician does during their day. Most successful applicants to medical school have a GPA of 3.3 or higher. The grades obtained in the core science classes will be considered the most important in your application to medical school. During your last year of school, or once you have completed the required classes, you will take the MCAT, the entrance exam for medical school. Applying to Medical SchoolOnce you have MCAT scores, you may begin the application process. This process requires multiple letters of reference, interviews with each medical school that decides to consider you, and essays. Each application also has a fee, which may limit the number of schools to which you apply. In addition to interviews, essays, and grades, the admissions team will also be observing your behavior. Do you seem mature enough to handle medical school? Are you self-motivated and able to complete the program? Do you present yourself in a professional manner? Are you clean and neat? It is also important to either be a non-smoker, quit smoking or to not have an odor of smoke when interviewing. The year when prospective medical students interview with the schools to which they have applied is often called the "year off". This is because the bachelor's degree has been completed, but they have yet to be accepted by a medical school, which leaves them in educational limbo. Some go directly from bachelor's degree to medical school, others choose to travel, work, or pursue additional classes to improve their application. You can also use this time to
choose between an MD or a DO program.
The Medical School Years
Once accepted to medical school, there are four years of education, including gross anatomy (the study of cadavers), normal and abnormal physiology and pharmacology, and hands-on learning that takes place in clinics, hospitals and various rotations throughout different specialties of medicine.
The Match Run For Surgery Residencies
During medical school you will be expected to decide what areas of medicine you are interested in. You will participate in the residency "match" in your fourth and last year of medical school. During the match you will interview with different residency programs that you are interested in, in one or more specialties, if you are accepted as a candidate. Once you have completed your interview, you will rank the programs based on your interest. The program you most prefer would be first, the next favorite program would be second, and so forth. The residency programs will also rank the candidates who interviewed in much the same way. Once the data is compiled, the "match run" generates the match, determining which resident will be trained where. The vast majority of residency placements are performed this way, with a small minority being placed "off match" for a variety of reasons, including a failure to match during the initial match run.
Once your place of residency is determined, you will enter your residency program in June of the year following the completion of medical school. Your first year of residency is called the intern year, or PGY1. It can be a difficult time, making the transition from medical student to sleepless doctor in training. Typically, an additional two to four years (PGY2-PGY5) of training follows the intern year, at the minimum. There are tests taken during residency as well, to monitor the progress of the resident.
For surgeons, the training after medical school may last as long as 8 or 9 years, if additional training after residency is required.
After residency, fellowships in a high specialized area can be done, lasting 2-3 years. These fellowships are available for both medical and surgical specialties.
After the completion of residency, or in some cases residency plus a fellowship, a physician is considered fully trained in their specialty. To be board certified in a specialty, a final test is taken to determine eligibility for certification. So all people need Doctor .So we should study more for become a Doctor.


Bollywood is hindi called indian film industry where many people can fun.Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the Indian film industry.[1] Bollywood is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest in the world.[2][3][4]
The name is a portmanteau of Bombay (the former name for Mumbai) and Hollywood, the center of the American film industry.[5] However, unlike Hollywood, Bollywood does not exist as a physical place. Though some deplore the name, arguing that it makes the industry look like a poor cousin to Hollywood,[5][6] it has its own entry in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Bollywood is often referred to as Hindi cinema, even though frequent use of poetic
Urdu words is fairly common. There has been a growing presence of Indian English in dialogue and songs as well. It is not uncommon to see films that feature dialogue with English words and phrases, even whole sentences. There is a growing number of films made entirely in English.So bollywood is one of the top film industry in all over the world.

Probablity of 3rd wordwar

I think in all people of this world will finish one day . All artificial and netueal thingswill distroy in that day when 3rd worldwar will start in this world. This isn't a mystic prediction thread, rather post your probability predictions based on current world events regarding the proximity of World War Three. I believe that a full scale global world war is on the brink, and that we are going to see a massive attack against the United States, Briton and NATO countries which will be full scale nuclear war from Russia and China in the near future. We see the alliances forming between China, Russia, Iran, Syria and Pakistan along with the NATO alliance. Russia is positioning itself strategically into the Caribbeans with Venezuela. This posturing is both political and strategical for a Russian first-strike against America. North Korea is starting to go back into their usual flip-flop with the nuclear reactors and seems to be distancing its cooperation with the United States, which means it also could help erupt war in the Korean Peninsula. With the current financial melt-down of the United States, tensions growing between Russia, it seems we are sparks away from the major global conflict that seems to be on the horizon. The epicenter of the conflict may well be an attack on US soil in either another false-flag terrorist attack, which starts the US / Iran war, which will ultimately lead to WWIII. This October may be the trigger month, with Al Queda releasing a tape claiming an October surprise, as well as the deployment of US troops back to the main land. I think we are within a very high probability of WWIII that could start as early as next month, or within the next year. Any thoughts or predictions of your own? So third wordwar will reasion of human end.Hence if it possible everybody please stay with peacefull environment.All human are same.




To say something........

Hey evrybody I wrote this poem for all of you .please study and sent reply to me at

I hope you all love it.My poem is following.

When I got up in the morning

I thought

I am in any heaven

where all thing is just for me

But I was fail in my view

Everything Isaw were in earth

In Nepal

Beautiful mountain and river

were smiling with me

Iwas middle of flower,tample and bird

I thought

All thing in Nepal were just for me

Iremember that time

today also I fun .



Aeroplane is gift of morden science.Many scientist work hard for made it .Right brotherdiscovered it .Adolphus Herbert Frederick Norman Appleroth, known as Bert Appleroth, was a tram conductor who created jelly crystals using gelatine and sugar in his bathtub. He sold these jelly crystals door-to-door, using his tram route to transport him around Sydney. In 1917, Appleroth rented premises to manufacture his jelly, then formed a company with Albert Francis Lenertz named Traders Ltd in 1926. Planes were considered new and exciting at the time, so aviation fan Appleroth named the brand Aeroplane Jelly.[2] Appleroth used a Tiger Moth plane to make deliveries to rural areas in 1934, and his publicity stunts and Aeroplane Jelly's advertising campaigns made the jelly a national icon,[2] like Holden and Vegemite.
Appleroth's company, Traders Pty Ltd, was run by his son, Bert II, then grandson, Bert III, and ownership passed to Bert III's wife Val when he died in 1985. According to Traders' managing director, Hugh Knox, the Appleroth family were friends with a former managing director of
McCormick & Company, which opened up negotiations between the parties.[3] Aeroplane Jelly was sold to McCormick Foods Australia in 1995, the Australian subsidiary of the United States-based McCormick & Company.
The first Aeroplane Jelly factory was located in
Paddington, New South Wales,[1] a suburb of Sydney, then manufactured in West Ryde for 33 years. In 2006, McCormick Foods Australia moved production of Aeroplane Jelly to Clayton, Victoria to centralise its manufacturing operations in Victoria.[4]. Hance The history of Aeroplane is not very long but we can proud with it .

USA in my view

USA is populer country beacause of its great work.Nowadays USA handile other countries.
Sure this country has made mistakes. What country hasn't? But what other country tries so hard to do what's right, not just at home, but all around the world? What other country is counted on - as the standard for decency and tolerance and freedom? What other country attracts eager immigrants from all over the world?There is only one answer to all those questions and you don't haver to look any further than right here at home to appreciate how great this country really is.In the last five years, we have been through two bitterly contested elections, two foreign wars and a devastating terrorist attack here at home, but has any of that weakened the country as a whole? Heck no! As always, America and Americans have risen above adversity and banded together to make this country work and keep on working, no matter what obstacles may be thrown in our way.Was there rioting in the streets over the elections? Bloodshed and/or threats to call out the Army and the National Guard? Of course not. We take it for granted that we are a civilized country, above all that and we are. But not all countries - or even most countries can say the same. In many counjtries around the world, events far less traumatic and dramatic than what we have gone through in the last five years, would have torn society apart. The government would have fallen, if not dissolved and there would have been bloodshed and chaos, so we should never underestimate our freedom or stability or take it for granted.We should get up every day and remind ourselves that we do live in the greatest country in the world and that therefore each and every one of us has a duty and an obligation to do whatever we can to make it just a little bit better.You can start the process by sending us your contributions, poems, letters, essay, stories, telling how you feel about America and why you have goo d things to say about the USA. We're putting together a book called GOOD THINGS TO SAY ABOUT THE USA and whether you're white, black, yellow, brown or anything in between, rich or poor, old or young, a sixth generation American, or a first generation immigrant - even if you're not an American at all, if you have Good Things To Say About The USA, then we want to hear from you.Sure, we need money, too, but mostly we need your artistic contributions. We need talented actors and actresses, singers, dancers, writers and musicians to put on shows reminding the world how great this country really is.I think USA is the most powerful country.

Probablity of another Earth

This is not proved .But in my sense there may be another earth in universe. But asteroid 2002 NT7 currently heads the list on our IMPACT RISKS Page because of a low-probability Earth impact prediction for February 1, 2019. While this prediction is of scientific interest, the probability of impact is not large enough to warrant public concern.
Discovered on July 9, 2002 by the LINEAR team, asteroid 2002 NT7 is in an orbit, which is highly inclined with respect to the Earth's orbit about the sun and in fact nearly intersects the orbit of the Earth. While the orbits of Earth and 2002 NT7 are close to one another at one point in their respective orbits, that does not mean that the asteroid and Earth themselves will get close to one another. Just after an asteroid like 2002 NT7 is discovered, the limited number of observations available do not allow its trajectory to be tightly constrained and the object's very uncertain future motion often allows a very low probability of an Earth impact at some future date. Just such a low probability impact has been identified for February 1, 2019 and a few subsequent dates. As additional observations of the asteroid are made in the coming months, and perhaps pre-discovery archival observations of this object are identified, the asteroid's orbit will become more tightly constrained and the future motion of the asteroid will become better defined. By far the most likely scenario is that, with additional data, the possibility of an Earth impact will be eliminated.
This is an example of the type of scenario that we can expect as some types of near-Earth objects are discovered. For some objects, their uncertain initial orbits cannot be used to immediately rule out future very low-probability Earth impacts, but when additional observations are used to refine the initial orbit, these low-probability Earth impact possibilities will go away. Other recently discovered near-Earth asteroids will be added to the Risk page until their orbits are refined and they are then dropped off the list of closely watched objects. This is how the system is expected to work and any initial indication of a low-probability Earth impact followed by a removal of that event from our IMPACT RISKS tables should not be considered a mistake. It is a natural result of the on-going process of monitoring the motions of near-Earth objects. Hence there may be or not may be another planet like earth where life possible.What is trouth scientist should investigate.


Amrit Jung Basnet is student .He like to study more.

All about insurence

insurence means saving of something that can be use sometime.Our human life is unfix.we can't say how is tomorrow?So insurence is important for us .Open Text Streamlines Insurance Claim Service for Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield Livelink Unites Online Information with Dynamic Customer Service Chicago, IL - 2002-04-24 - Open Text™ Corporation (Nasdaq: OTEX; TSE: OTC), worldwide leader in delivering collaboration and knowledge management software, today announced that The Regence Group continues to expand its collaborative applications of Livelink® throughout its affiliate organizations. The US Pacific Northwest's largest affiliation of health care plans, The Regence Group serves almost 3 million members in four states: Oregon, Washington, Utah and Idaho. "It's all about customer service for us. Livelink is effective because it enables everyone in the organization to make decisions based on the same information, responding to customer inquiries quickly, accurately and effectively," said Connie Jackson, Lead Analyst, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon. "Livelink is so easy to use and versatile that we continually find new ways to improve our business efficiency and processes across the board."Livelink is empowering The Regence Group throughout its enterprise: Claims department uses Livelink to aid in coding documentation that indicates how insurance claims should be paid. The claims manager estimated that online manuals created in Livelink have saved the organization in the cost of paper, assembly, delivery and time.Medical Affairs maintains its manuals on Livelink. With networks of more than 23,000 providers, the medical affairs manual is used to efficiently and effectively answer questions from doctors, hospitals, other external entities. Internal departments, such as Underwriting, also require medical affairs documentation. The online manual drastically reduces the time required for conducting research. Human Resources is automating its job description database. Previously, the department used a paper-based system containing 4,500 jobs, of which only 1,750 were in use at the time. By leveraging Livelink's forms, security access features, version control capability and search functionality, all job descriptions are fully active.REMAC's (Regence Membership and Claims Consolidation) online coordinators utilize Livelink's virtual office features for storing and sharing documents. Since the team members reside in four different states, they required a method by which they could work on and share documents regardless of their location. They created common folders in Livelink to manage the document collaboration process. REMAC coordinators have also utilized Livelink's Discussion and News Ticker functionality to improve documentation understanding and knowledge dissemination. Questions about Regence's online documentation regarding membership and claims are posted in the Discussions area where a member of the REMAC team will post a reply. The News Ticker function enables the team to broadcast revisions, additions and other information about the online documentation to all users."Having updated information immediately accessible reduces frustration levels within an organization, improving both customer and employee retention," said John Shackleton, President, Open Text. "By leveraging the full functionality of Livelink, The Regence Group is re-defining the way it conducts its business and serves its customers."
About The Regence Group
The Regence Group, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, is a close affiliation of Regence BlueShield of Idaho, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Utah, and Regence BlueShield, serving much of Washington State. It provides hospital, medical and dental coverage to group and individual members through traditional health plans, preferred provider organizations, point of service products, and health maintenance organizations. Dental, vision, life and disability coverage, as well as third-party administration services, are available through individual plans or affiliated companies. Services for Medicare beneficiaries are also provided. Through a unique business model, the affiliates of The Regence Group enjoy economies of scale without sacrificing their local presence, local focus, and local leadership. As a not-for-profit entity without shareholders, the company can operate in ways that benefit customers and communities first, without pressures from financial markets or shareholders anxious to make a profit on their investments. The company is currently in the midst of building a single suite of systems to act as a common platform for processing and accessing membership, claims, and related system information, such as finance, medical management and pharmacy, across all four of its affiliates. Once implemented, the systems will enhance productivity and customer service, reduce administrative costs, and support shared resources, consistent business practices, and a common "look and feel" throughout the organization. The Regence Group employs 6,500 workers and provides coverage for 2.9 million members. In 2001, its assets were valued at $2.5 billion and income from net earned premiums totaled $5.7 billion. The company traces its roots back to 1917, when a group of physicians in Pierce County, Washington, formed the nation’s first pre-paid health plan and sold coverage to local lumber companies. By 1946, each of the states had health plans that grew independently until becoming The Regence Group in 1995.
About Livelink
Livelink is the leader in collaboration and knowledge management for the global enterprise. Its richly-featured enterprise services include virtual team collaboration, business process automation, enterprise group scheduling and information retrieval services, all tightly integrated into a solution that is easily customized and extended. Livelink is essential to the effective management and development of communities of interest that span organizations and industries. For everything from the creation of complex e-community relationships to the automation of simple e-business processes, Livelink delivers true dynamic collaboration between individuals, organizations and large trading communities. Livelink servers are fully Web-based and open-architected to ensure rapid deployment and easy access to its full functionality through a standard Web browser. For more information, visit
About Open Text
Since 1991, Open Text Corporation has delivered innovative software that brings people together to share knowledge, achieve excellence, deliver innovation, and enhance processes. Its legacy of innovation began with the successful deployment of the world's first search engine technology for the Internet. Today, as the leading global supplier of collaboration and knowledge management software for the enterprise, Open Text supports five million users across 4,500 corporations in 31 countries and 12 languages throughout the world. As a publicly traded company, Open Text manages and maximizes its resources and relationships to ensure the success of great minds working together. For more information, visit
Copyright © 2002 by Open Text Corporation. LIVELINK and OPEN TEXT are trademarks or registered trademarks of Open Text Corporation in the United States of America, Canada, the European Union and/or other countries. This list of trademarks is not exhaustive. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names, company names, brands and service names mentioned herein are property of Open Text Corporation or other respective owners.
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This news release may contain forward-looking statements relating to the deployment of Livelink by customers, and future performance of Open Text Corporation. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, among others, risks involved in the completion and integration of acquisitions, the possibility of technical, logistical or planning issues in connection with deployments, the continuous commitment of the Company's customers and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including the final prospectus for the Company's initial public offering of common stock in January 1996, Form 10-K for the years ended June 30, 1998, June 30, 1999, June 30, 2000, and June 30, 2001, and Form 10-Q for the quarters ended September 30, 2001 and December 31, 2001. Forward-looking statements are based on management's beliefs and opinions at the time the statements are made, and the Company does not undertake any obligations to update forward-looking statements should circumstances or management's beliefs or opinions change.
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How to be Engineer

Those person who want to be an engineer work hard in math frist.You should learn more about engineering . When you drive across a bridge, make a telephone call, fly in a plane or use a computer, you experience, first-hand, the work of engineers. The results of their work can also be seen in satellites orbiting Earth, on offshore oil rigs and in tall buildings rising from the heart of Canada’s metropolitan cities.Engineers prove, every day, that anything’s possible!The Nuts and BoltsBasically, engineers are problem-solvers. They put scientific knowledge to practical use, applying science and math to solve problems creatively. They are involved with the design, construction and operation of everything from bridges to computer chips to mountain bikes to roller coasters. In fact, without engineers, our modern way of life would not be very modern at all!Thinking about a career in engineering? How would you answer the following questions?
Are you good at math and science? Do you look forward to these classes in school?
Are you creative and imaginative? Do like to build new things, or improve the way things work?
Do you have good communication skills? Do people find you interesting to talk to?
Do you like working in teams? Are you a member of a school club, the band or a sports team? If you answer yes to some of these questions, you might have what it takes to be an engineer!
Step One: Math and Science in Grade School and High SchoolLearn how math and science can be used to solve real-world problems. Study hard! Stick with it!Step Two: Engineering Program in UniversityFor most would-be engineers in Canada, the first step is to be admitted into an accredited engineering program at a Canadian university. Accredited means that the program has been evaluated by the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and found to meet the high standards set by the engineering profession. This process ensures that students who graduate from an accredited program have the technical, design and hands-on skills they need to begin a career in engineering.There are many different fields, or disciplines, of engineering to choose from, and even more accredited engineering programs. More than 30 Canadian universities offer accredited engineering programs. To find out more about these universities and programs, click here.
Step Three: Becoming a Professional EngineerEngineering, like medicine and law, is a self-regulated profession. This means the profession is responsible for overseeing the conduct of its members, and for establishing practice guidelines, professional standards and codes of ethics for them to follow.To do this, engineering regulatory associations have been established in each province and territory of Canada. The associations/ordre license engineers who meet the profession’s high standards, and govern the profession of engineering.Licensed engineers can use the designation "P. Eng." ("ing." in Quebec) after their names. P. Eng. stands for "professional engineer" (ing. = "ingénieur"). It’s engineering’s stamp of quality. No one can call themselves a professional engineer, use the P. Eng. designation, or carry out engineering work in Canada without a licence.Like doctors and lawyers, Canada’s 160,000 professional engineers are required to take responsibility for their work. They have a duty and ethical responsibility to protect public safety. It’s part of what makes being a professional and a P. Eng. so special.Once you have a degree from an accredited program, you’re on your way to becoming a professional engineer. Next steps?
Register with your provincial/territorial association/ordre of professional engineers.
Get three to four years of practical engineering experience (depending on your province/territory), under the supervision of a professional engineer.
Pass the professional practice exam (on ethics and law). You will then be granted the P.Eng., your license to practice engineering.For more information, visit the P.Eng. Web site, at
Areas of SpecializationEngineers have lots of options!There are nearly 20 areas of specialization, or disciplines, to choose from, and most offer a wide range of career options.Once you’ve chosen your specialty, there’s lots of room for crossover, and you will probably have a chance to work with engineers from many other specializations. You can understand why engineers need to be team players, when you think about how the many specialties of engineering join together to create a major project.So, regardless of your specialty, you’ll probably be involved in several kinds of engineering. You will also be at the forefront of innovation, because the Engineering you do will shape our vision of the future.So engineering is most required thing of today .You may be engineer and may get more prestises and money.

Older scientist

My view about this as a young scientist is that established researchers tend to know each other, have a wider sphere of interaction and generally more respected in their fields as a function of longevity in service. My experience is that many reviewers tend to be too critical if a name is new in a field. Secondly, even funding bodies allocate more fundings to largely established groups which are usually run by older researchers while younger researchers with the brightest ideas usually have a really tough time to start off. For example, if you are not a PI in the UK, the research councils here may not fund you! I do not find this study to be scientifically balanced because they don't seemed to have addressed the issues that would have let to such differences.

History of Techonology

Among the treasures of the Greek National Archaeological Museum in Athens are the remains of the most complex scientific object that has been preserved from antiquity. Corroded and crumbling from 2,000 years under the sea, its dials, gear wheels and inscribed plates present the historian with a tantalizing problem. Because of them we may have to revise many of our estimates of Greek science. By studying them we may find vital clues to the true origins of that high scientific technology which hitherto has seemed peculiar to our modern civilization, setting it apart from all cultures of the past.
From the evidence of the fragments one can get a good idea of the appearance of the original object. Consisting of a box with dials on the outside and a very complex assembly of gear wheels mounted within, it must have resembled a well- made 18ih-century clock. Doors hinged to the box served to protect the dials, and on all available surfaces of box, doors and dials there were long Greek inscriptions describing the operation and construction of the instrument. At least 20 gear wheels of the mechanism have been preserved, including a very sophisticated assembly of gears that were mounted eccentrically on a turntable and probably functioned as a sort of epicyclic or differential, gear-system.
Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere. Nothing comparable to it is known. from any ancient scientific text or literary allusion. On the contrary, from all that we know of science and technology in the Hellenistic Age we should have felt that such a device could not exist. Some historians have suggested that the Greeks were not interested in experiment because of a contempt-perhaps induced by the existence of the institution of slavery-for manual labor. On the other hand it has long been recognized that in abstract mathematics and in mathematical astronomy they were no beginners but rather "fellows of another college" who reached great heights of sophistication. Many of the Greek scientific devices known to us from written descriptions show much mathematical ingenuity, but in all cases the purely mechanical part of the design seems relatively crude. Gearing was clearly known to the Greeks, but it was used only in relatively simple applications. They employed pairs of gears to change angular speed or mechanical ad- vantage, or to apply power through a right angle, as in the water-driven mill.
Even the most complex mechanical devices described by the ancient writers Hero of Alexandria and Vitruvius contained only simple gearing. For example, the taximeter used by the Greeks to measure the distance travelled by the wheels of a carriage employed only pairs of gears (or gears and worms) to achieve the necessary ratio of movement. It could be argued that if the Greeks knew the principle of gearing, they should have had no difficulty in constructing mechanisms as complex as epicyclic gears. We now know from the fragments in the National Museum that the Greeks did make such mechanisms, but the knowledge is so unexpected that some scholars at first thought that the fragments must belong to some more modern device.
Can we in fact be sure that the device is ancient? If we can, what was its purpose? What can it tell us of the ancient world and of the evolution of modern science? To authenticate the dating of the fragments We must. tell the story of their discovery, which involves the first (though inadvertent) adventure in underwater archaeology. Just before Easter in 1900 a party of Dodecanese sponge-divers were driven by storm to anchor near the tiny southern Greek island of Antikythera (the accent is on the "kyth," pronounced to rhyme with pith). There, at a depth of some 200 feet, they found the wreck of an ancient ship. With the help of Greek archaeologists the wreck was explored; several fine bronze and marble statues and other objects were recovered. The finds created great excitement, but the difficulties of diving without heavy equipment were immense, and in September, 1901, the "dig' was abandoned. Eight months later Valerios StaÎs, an archaeologist at the National Museum, was examining some calcified lumps of corroded bronze that had been set aside as possible pieces of broken statuary. Suddenly he recognized among them the fragments of a mechanism.
It is now accepted that the wreck occurred during the first century B.C. Gladys Weinberg of Athens has been kind enough to report to me the results of several recent archaeological examinations of the amphorae, pottery and minor objects from the ship. It appears from her report that one might reason-ably date the wreck more closely as 65 B.C. ±15 years. Furthermore, since the identifiable objects come from Rhodes and Cos, it seems that the ship may have. been voyaging from these islands to Rome, perhaps without calling at the Greek mainland.The fragment that first caught the eye of StaÎs was one of the corroded, inscribed plates that is an integral part of the Antikythera mechanism, as the device later came to be called. StaÎs saw immediately that the inscription was ancient. In the opinion of the epigrapher Benjamin Dean Meritt, the forms of the letters are those of the 'first century B.C.; they

About history of Nepal

Before Nepal's emergence as a nation in the latter half of the 18th century, the designation 'Nepal' was largely applied only to the Kathmandu Valley. Thus up until the unification of the country, Nepal's history is largely the history of the Kathmandu Valley. References to Nepal in famous Hindu epics such as the Mahabharata, Puranas and also Buddhist and Jain scriptures, establish the country's antiquity as an independent political and territorial entity. The Vamshavalis or chronicles, the oldest of which was written during the 14th century, are the only fairly reliable basis for Nepal's ancient history. The Vamshavalis mention the rule of several dynasties the Gopalas, the Abhiras and the Kiratas -- over a stretch of centuries. However, no extant historical evidence has yet authenticated the rule of these legendary dynasties. The documented history of Nepal begins with the Changu Narayan temple inscription of King Manadeva I (C 464-505 A.D.) of the Lichavi dynasty.

Lichavi Dynasty
The Lichavis are said to have migrated into Nepal from north India in around 250 A.D. The first Lichavi king of historical importance was Manadeva 1. Another important Lichavi monarch was Anshuverma who opened trade routes to Tibet. One of his daughters, Bhrikuti, who was married to Tibetan ruler Tsrong-tsong Gompo, was instrumental in spreading the Gospel of the Buddha in Tibet and China. Anshuverma has been referred to as a man of many talents in the accounts of the Chinese traveler Huen Tsang, who had visited India in the 7th century AD.
Narendradeval another Lichavi king, initiated friendly relations with China and his successors laid the foundations of friendship with India by entering into matrimonial alliances with the Indian royal families. The Lichchhavi rule spanned over a period of about 630 years, the last ruler being Jayakamadeva.
Malla Dynasty
After the fall of the Lichchhavis came the Malla period during which the foundation of the city of Kantipur (later Kathmandu) was laid. The early Malla rule started with Ari Malla in the 12th century and over the next two centuries grew into a large empire before disintegrating into small principalities which later became known as the Baisi (i.e. the twenty-two principalities). This was more or less coincidental with the emergence of the Chaubisi (i.e. twenty-four principalities). The history of these principalities remains shrouded up until the time when they joined other kingdoms, both large and small, to form the unified Kingdom of Nepal.
Jayasthiti Malla, with whom commences the later Malla period in the Kathmandu Valley, reigned towards the end of the 14th century. Though his rule was rather short, his place among the rulers in the Valley is eminent for the various social and economic reforms such as the 'Sanskritization' of the Valley people, new methods of land measurement and allocation etc. Yakshya Malla, the grandson of Jayasthiti Malla, ruled the Kathmandu Valley until almost the end of the 15th century. After his demise, the Valley was divided into three independent Valley kingdoms -- Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Patan -- in about 1484 A.D. This division led the Malla rulers into internecine wars for territorial and commercial gains. Mutually debilitating wars gradually weakened them and by the time of King Prithvi Narayan ShahÕs invasion of the Valley, they had by themselves reached the brink of political extinction. The last rulers were Jaya Prakash Malla, Tej Narsingh Malla and Ranjit Malla of Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur respectively.
Shah Dynasty, Unification of Nepal
Prithvi Narayan Shah (c 1769-1775), with whom we move into the modern period of Nepal's history, was the ninth generation descendant of Dravya Shah (1559-1570), the founder of the ruling house of Gorkha. Prithvi Narayan Shah succeeded his father King Nara Bhupal Shah to the throne of Gorkha in 1743 AD. King Prithvi Narayan Shah was quite aware of the political situation of the Valley kingdoms as well as of the Barsi and Chaubisi principalities. He foresaw the need for unifying the small principalities as an urgent condition for survival in the future and set him self to the task accordingly.
His assessment of the situation among the hill principalities was correct, and the principalities were subjugated fairly easily. King Prithvi Narayan Shah's victory march began with the conquest of Nuwakot, which lies between Kathmandu and Gorkha, in 1744. After Nuwakot, he occupied strategic points in the hills surrounding the Kathmandu Valley. The ValleyÕs communications with the outside world were thus cut off. The occupation of the Kuti Pass in about 1756 stopped the ValleyÕs trade with Tibet. Finally, King Prithvi Narayan Shah entered the Valley. After the victory of Kirtipur. King Jaya Prakash Malla of Kathmandu sought help from the British and so the East India Company sent a contingent of soldiers under Captain Kinloch in 1767. The British force was defeated at Sindhuli by King Prithvi Narayan ShahÕs army. This defeat of the British completely shattered the hopes of King Jaya Prakash Malla. The capture of Kathmandu (September 25. 1768) was dramatic. As the people of Kathmandu were celebrating the festival of Indrajatra, Prithvi Narayan Shah and his men marched into the city. A throne was put on the palace courtyard for the king of Kathmandu. Prithvi Narayan Shah sat on the throne and was hailed by the people as the king of Kathmandu. Jaya Prakash Malla managed to escape with his life and took asylum in Patan. When Patan was captured a few weeks later, both Jaya Prakash Malla and the king of Patan, Tej Narsingh Mallal took refuge in Bhaktapur, which was also captured after some time. Thus the Kathmandu Valley was conquered by King Prithvi Narayan Shah and Kathmandu became the capital of the modern Nepal by 1769.
King Prithvi Narayan Shah was successful in bringing together diverse religio-ethnic groups under one national. He was a true nationalist in his outlook and was in favor of adopting a closed-door policy with regard to the British. Not only his social and economic views guided the country's socio-economic course for a long time, his use of the imagery, 'a yam between two bouldersÕ in Nepal's geopolitical context, formed the principal guideline of the country`s foreign policy for future centuries.
The War with British - The Nepalese had differences of opinion with the East India Company regarding the ownership of the land strip of the western Terai, particularly Butwal and Seoraj. The outcome of the conflict was a war with the British. The British launched their attack on the Nepali forces at Nalapani, the western most point of Nepal's frontier at the close of 1814. Though the Nepalese were able to inflict heavy losses to the British army on various fronts, the larger army and the superior weapons of the British proved too strong. The Nepali army evacuated the areas west of the Mahakali river and ultimately the treaty of Sugauli was signed with the British in 1816. Among other things, this treaty took away a large chunk of the Terai from Nepal and the rivers Mahakali and Mechi were fixed as the country's western and eastern boundaries. At this time, King Girvana Yuddha Biktram Shah was on the throne of Nepal, and the power of state was in the hands of Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa who wielded enormous power during the rule of King Girvana Yuddha Bikram Shah and his son King Rajendra Bikram Shah.

All About the Solar System

The solar system is the home to the sun, nine planets including the Earth, the 158 known moons that orbit those planets, as well as a countless number of other celestial bodies that exist throughout this vast space. Such celestial bodies include things like asteroids, meteoroids and comets.
Though the events leading up to the formation of the solar system are still being debated, is it believed to be more than 4.6 billion years old! The word "solar" is derived from the Latin word for sun, Sol, leading to the term solar system, or the system of the sun. The planets that orbit the sun within the solar system include Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the smallest planet of Pluto. Jupiter is by far the largest with an overall mass of more than three times that of the Earth. The sun itself makes up an estimated 99.86% of the solar system’s total mass. Gain further insight into the solar system by taking advantage of the solar system articles, solar system pictures or other interactive features below. Featured Solar System Articles .

About Mt. Everest

Mount Everest as a mountaineering objective had been on the horizon of British alpinists for some time – Clinton Thomas Dent[1] writing in 1885,had sketched the idea of an ascent and DrA.M.Kellas'sstudy'AConsideration of the Possibility of Ascending the LoftierHimalaya'of 1916 had asserted that it was certainly possible physiologically – the initiative to form the Mount Everest Committee came from a talk given to the Royal Geographical Society in 1919 by Captain J. B. L. Noel about his travels in the Everest region, and the discussions that arose out of it.[2]
In 1920, at the behest of Sir Francis Younghusband (the first Chairman of the Committee), Colonel Charles Howard-Bury – the leader of the 1921 expedition – persuaded Sir Charles Bell to use his considerable influence with Tibetan officials to negotiate permission for a passage to Mount Everest from the northern side (the Nepalese approaches from the south were closed to foreign entry). Permission was granted by the Tibetan government for the British to proceed in the following year, 1921.[3]
To co-ordinate and finance the reconnaissance expedition, a joint body – the Mount Everest Committee – was formed, composed of high-ranking members of the two interested parties – the Alpine Club and the Royal Geographical Society.
According to Sir Francis Younghusband:
Diplomacy having achieved its object and human obstacles being overcome it was possible to go full steam ahead organizing an Expedition. And climbing Mount Everest was a matter which interested both the Royal Geographical Society and the Alpine Club. It interested the former because the Society will not admit that there is any spot on the earth’s surface on which man should not at least try to set his foot. And it interested the latter because climbing mountains is their especial province. It was decided, therefore, to make the Expedition a joint effort of the two societies. And this was the more desirable because the Geographical Society had greater facilities for organizing exploring expeditions, while the Alpine Club had better means of choosing the personnel. A joint Committee, called the Mount Everest Committee, was therefore formed, composed of three members each of the two societies. And it was arranged that during the first phase, while the mountain was being reconnoitred, the President of the Royal Geographical Society should be Chairman; and in the second phase, when the mountain was to be climbed, the President of the Alpine Club should preside.

About online job

OK everyone, I have been out for a while discovering more ways to earn online. I have gone through some trials and errors but I have to let you know what works and what doesn't. I don't know about you but this blog has some great ways to earn online but I am ready to venture into new income streams where you don't have to go near a survey or click an ad. Now these methods of earning online are great for beginners looking to make extra cash online but if you are ready to step up and try to put some effort and time in money making, get prepared for my future posts.Since I haven't updated in a while, I want to summarize my money making journey so far. When I started out, I worked with get paid to sites and a few paid to click sites. It was great money for a beginner. I think I might of made close to $500 altogether doing that split between several related sites. (Keep in mind I was bouncing around doing all kinds of money making programs, advertising these sites and building my own sites, so my earnings are reflected by that. I will explain this in my next post.)Then I started with paid survey sites. I made around $200 total with that. Again, bouncing all over the place, I didn't do this long. But I know these are still good earners because I know many people who do this on a regular basis and pay there bills with this extra money.During this time I had learned about Internet marketing, affiliate programs, getting traffic, SEO, social networking and a lot of other things you need to know to start earning a good income from home.After a while I ran into Project Payday and freebie trading also know as the Incentive Freebie Industry. I spent around 6 months doing this and this was my top earner. I was making $300-$500 gross a month doing only this. I still continue to do this from time to time because there is good money in this field but I am about trying different money making methods and keeping you up to date with my research.So finally, I have decided to focus my time in affiliate marketing and programs and helping you make money using this method. This is one reliable way to earn money online and I will tell why later but this method also requires a lot of time and work for the "big payoff". You may already know some big time Internet marketers that make $5K a month as an affiliate. I have also tried this method and it does work. I am currently working on some projects and have made money as an affiliate and still is(payment proofs coming soon). But my goal is to make $500-$1,000 a

what is love?

What Is Love? One must understand whether "what is love" can be a question which can be answered? Love cannot be a question. For, if it is a question then an answer should be there. If the answer is there, where is it? This question is ancient and an answer should have been found by now! If the answer has been found, the question would have disappeared. But the question still remains, meaning the answer has not been found. If it has not been found as yet, then what is the certainty that it will be found? Maybe the mind can never find the answer! A single answer, which will please all minds, is not possible for each mind has its own ideas of love. Hence a universal answer is an illusion. Individual answers are there for love and for this very reason there are arguments about love for each mind will contradict the answer of another mind. This contradiction is normal for each mind lives in a different point in time.

Nepal's great leader Prachanda

Nepal PM prachanda resignedKathmandu: Nepal’s Prime Minister Prachanda resigned on Monday after his Maoist government’s decision to sack the army chief was scuttled by the President, deepening the political crisis and raising the spectre of renewed rebel unrest in the country.He is the greatest leader of Nepal and powerful also.Puspa kamal dahal called Prachanda spoke against Nepal's dectetorship .His political patner is Dr.Baburam bhattrai. He is also the greatest leador of Nepal.

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